键盘侠|😫前NBA账号运营抱怨税后5万美刀年薪 北美社畜集体破防
时间:2025-02-27 08:36:21 来源:凯泽公子网 作者:时尚 阅读:325次
(点击上方关注键盘侠 ,键盘获悉更多有趣资讯 。侠😫薪北畜集)新闻链接>>>>>>😮NBA脸书账号疑似被前员工黑入 发文控诉低薪+超负荷工作今日 ,账号NBA官方Facebook账号疑似被盗
,由此判断该黑客可能是税后NBA前员工 。控诉内容如下:我要怎么退出这账号?离开这里的刀年工作岗位好几周了
,账号甚至没有休息时间 ,运营萧华你干得好事
。抱怨入职后前90天我们都没有医保!税后这不是很荒谬吗?很高兴我辞职了 ,没必要让工作影响到你的幸福
,该动态被删掉。面对这位前NBA员工抱怨年薪税前不足5万美金,美国网友集体破大防,小编亦含泪编译 ,如下是部分美网友的评论 。[–]CelticsJohnBagley33 6 points 2 hours ago“$50K after taxes” is like $70k a year, pretty good salary for a job that most people on this sub could do, well above what I would have expected.凯尔特人球迷:年薪税后5万美金,那税前岂不是能到7万美金
?这工资比这个帖子里面的大部分人都要高了啊~~比我想象的可要高了去了~~[–]AffectionateStep5001 107 points 10 hours agoI’d post on social media all day for 70k lol球迷:给我税前7万美金一年,我可以让我的五姑娘在键盘上一刻不停地劳动
,绝对没空为我干其他事儿~~~[–]phoenixblue69 22 points 6 hours ago70 to 80k a year, right out of college with a communications degree, working for the NBA. Lol its also super common for companies to hold benefits for a certain time to make sure the employee doesnt bounce after 2 weeks. Overtime sucks but it does happen sometimes, welcome to the real world.This guy sounds young and stupid, and im sure hell regret it. He might have burned his industry bridge too, not sure many other companies would trust him to manage a social media account after this太阳球迷:大学毕业刚拿到传播学学位 ,就入职NBA参加工作
,但是有时候是不可避免的,这就是现实,欢迎来到现实世界!这人看着就是个爱犯傻的毛头小子 ,我敢打包票,他早晚得后悔死!而且,估计自己在业内的名声也已经毁了,闹这么一出之后 ,不敢保证其他公司还会不会信任他 ,让他来管理社媒账号了…[–]bearinsac 42 points 11 hours agoHoly shit, they get healthcare?球迷:我靠,等等 !?怎么他们还有医保啊
? ?[–]Smelldicks 20 points 9 hours agoThat’s above the median american salary by a lot lol. That’s actually above the median household income.球迷:这个收入已经超过美国中产收入一大截了
,哈哈哈~~事实上,比一个中产家庭的收入还高了…[–]03d8fec841cd4b826f2d 2 points 7 hours agoThe city matters more than the countrys median income. If thats SF, thats poverty level.球迷:相对于和美国中产收入水平比
,如果你在旧金山生活 ,那这个收入就处于贫困线…[–]deadzsteve 623 points 13 hours agoComplaining about 50k after taxes and health insurance after 3 months when your job consists of posting LeBum highlights all day is an excellent jerk球迷 :每天上班只是发发愣布朗的集锦
?!他可真是个畜类拔萃的混蛋啊~~~[–]believemedude 107 points 12 hours ago“Oh no my thumbs are aching from the 14 hour shift I just worked”球迷:“啊~~ 14个小时工作下来~~~我的拇指都磨损了啦~~~好痛~~~~”[–]Downtown-Lie6476. 179 points 13 hours agoComplaining about pay but can’t log out of an app.球迷
:抱怨工资低,却连账号怎么下线都没搞明白…[–]papa_sax 11 points 10 hours agoProbably during playoffs I highly doubt its the entire season球迷:他这工作,很可能就季后赛会稍微忙一点,我不信整个赛季都忙成狗…[–]bodycountdooku41 48 points 10 hours agoMade 3 posts between 8 am - 10 pm from his couch球迷:躺在自家沙发上,从早上8点到晚上10点拼命工作一整天…发出多达3条的账号动态!!
![–]PowerfulExcuse 1 point 8 hours agoAnd during the off season they probably do much less. Also I guarantee they’re getting OT for that.球迷:到了休赛期可能就更闲了…而且我敢保证,他们还能拿加班工资呢…[–]0lm- 7 points 3 hours agoalso that could just mean he posted something at like 8 in the morning then again at like 12 after a game ended late. in no world is anyone managing any social media for 14 hours straight球迷:很有可能他是在早上8点发一些动态,然后有些比赛可能结束得比较晚
,需要在晚上12点之后,再发一些动态~~是这样子工作14小时…而不可能是14个小时连轴转地运营社媒账号的…[–]Alone_Pension2032 3 points 1 hour agoYeah exactly that’s what I’m thinking too. How many posts can they possibly make a day that it would take 14 straight hours of work. There’s no way. Unless they have other responsibilities he’s not mentioning ig球迷 :没错 !我也是这么想的
!一天14个小时连轴转地发动态 ,那一天得发多少啊~~~绝对不可能
!除非他们还有其他的职责在身 ,他没说…[–]truth_2_point_0 16 points 7 hours agoBack to dogwalking it seems球迷:现在这小子估计只能在家遛狗了~~[–]ReSpekMyAuthoriitaaa 14 points 8 hours agoAll the poor below-poverty African kids reading this球迷:贫困线以下的非裔小伙儿们
,面对这条新闻时的样子~~~[–]opkpopfanboyv3. 156 points 13 hours ago14 hour shifts? Weakest corporate slave. I work 18 hours a day 7 days a week. Yall bitches yall motherfuckers better up your game stop slacking球迷:每天工作14小时就受不了了?这办公室卖身奴!弱爆了!老子每天干18个小时,一礼拜干7天
![–]crab_quiche 95 points 12 hours agoFuckin liberal pussy complaining about working only 18 hours a day 7 days a week. I just finished my third 57.3 hour shift of the week and its only Monday.球迷:楼上这个没见过世面的死扑街
,一天干18小时,一个礼拜干7天,还以为自己有多惨多了不得呢!!老子这礼拜已经第三次轮班57.3小时了,而且今天才刚刚礼拜一! !!(科幻片啊)[–]coronetgemini 20 points 12 hours agoNBA Twitterposters out there making Teachers Salarys for jerking...Hm球迷 :这些NBA社媒运营 ,拿着和教师一个水平的工资
,尽放屁扯淡….[–]Burgerjoint6 7 points 5 hours agoI’m a teacher, he’s making more than me球迷 :我是个老师
,我挣得可没他多啊~~~[–]Knickscricket9818 141 points 14 hours agoDude makes more than I do and I’ve been teaching 9 years lol尼克斯球迷:这哥们儿刚毕业就比我现在挣得多,而我当老师已经9年了啊
,哈哈哈哈….555555….[–]OfficialAlbae 57 points 13 hours agoI’d be happy to make 50k after taxes to read ig comments jerking lebron all day球迷:拿着税后5万美金的年薪,整天刷评论喷詹姆斯,这活儿我可太乐意干了~~~[–]binary_spaniard 6 points 9 hours agoDoing that for free already.球迷
:这些事儿我每天都在干!也没见有人给我发工资啊![–]Ok-Corner-2202 14 points 12 hours agoAfter taxes, bills, rent, food, insurance, prostitutes, car payment, gas, and daycare, Im making -$5,000 a year! Adam Silver do something!球迷
:每年交完税 、水电费、房租、饭钱
、日常花销之后 ,我负债5000美金
!救命啊![–]HunterRose05 9 points 12 hours agoThis social media dude is making about what I make as a senior product designer for a major medical company here in Canada. maaan im underpaid.球迷:这个NBA社媒运营他挣的钱
,比我这个在一家加拿大医药大厂工作的资深产品设计师挣得都多,天呐~~~我可怜的薪水啊~~~~[–]Snoyarc 310 points 12 hours agoId kill for 50k after tax.球迷:税后给我5万美金 ,让我去杀人都可以![–]ballmermurland 143 points 11 hours ago$4200 a month. If you can get an apartment for $2k a month thats decent living considering the bulk of your work is posting stuff on Twitter.球迷
,如果每个月花2000美金房租再找个公寓 ,那生活就很滋润了~~~[–]Mavericksaggster13 117 points 8 hours agoHalf your income on rent is certainly a bold strategy.球迷
![–]Your_Prostatitis 126 points 8 hours agoWelcome to California球迷:欢迎您来加利福尼亚,三平米单间儿五千八~~~[–]sleepy777 41 points 6 hours agoNYC says hello球迷
:纽约向您问声好 ,租完房子吃不饱~~~[–]Mr-Phobias 9 points 4 hours agoBoston says hi as well.球迷
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