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时间:2024-10-27 12:32:52 来源:凯泽公子网 作者:娱乐 阅读:366次
#挑战30天在头条写日记#Lack of control at the heart of Newcastle’s defeat for the ages缺乏控制是英译阅读因纽卡斯尔失利的核心By George Caulkin 作者:乔治·考尔金“A performance for the ages,” Trent Alexander-Arnold called it and, through gritted teeth and with heads in hands, Newcastle United supporters might just about agree. This was a club which once specialised in the glorious fuck-up, in contriving to scale the mountain and then tumble down the other side, or which aimed their ordinance squarely at themselves.“一场划时代的表现。”特伦特·亚历山大-阿诺德(Trent Alexander-Arnold)说,缺乏他当时咬牙切齿和振臂高呼 ,控制纽卡斯尔联队的联输支持者可能同意他的观点 。这是物浦一个曾经专注于辉煌的失败了的俱乐部,他们努力攀登高峰 ,心原却在另一个方向跌倒 ,英译阅读因或者将他们的缺乏炮火对准自己。This 控制was a brutal reminder of a different time and a different team.这是对不同时代和不同团队的残酷提醒。Newcastle should have won. Playing against 10 men for more than an hour of normal time,联输 a goal up through Anthony Gordon, with Trent Alexander-Arnold on an early yellow card and then flailing, it was all set up for Eddie Howe’s players, but the pace and noise and intensity of a raucous afternoon at St James’ Park never translated into ascendency. Everything pointed to a control which did not come.纽卡斯尔怎么看都该赢 。在正常时间与10人比赛一个多小时,物浦安东尼-戈登进球 ,心原特伦特-亚历山大-阿诺德早早吃到黄牌,英译阅读因然后(利物浦)陷入困境 ,缺乏这一切都是控制为埃迪-豪的球员准备的 ,但在圣詹姆斯公园喧闹的下午的节奏、噪音和强度从并转化为优势 。一切都指向一个没有到来的控制。“This is as painful as the game at Anfield last year, for me and for us,” Howe said after his 11th consecutive defeat at the hands of Jurgen Klopp, but the same scoreline and a similar narrative — an early lead, a very late defeat — was a disguise. Liverpool responded vibrantly to Virgil van Dijk’s dismissal for a foul on Alexander Isak in the 28th minute, while Newcastle lost cohesion and lacked precision. Chances came and chances went. The second half was a mess.“这对我和我们来说就像去年在安菲尔德的比赛一样痛苦,”豪在连续第11次输给尤尔根·克洛普(Jurgen Klopp)后说道,但同样的比分和类似的叙述——早期领先,非常晚的失败——是一种伪装 。利物浦对维吉尔·范迪克在第28分钟对亚历山大·伊萨克犯规而被红牌罚下做出了有力的回应,而纽卡斯尔则失去了凝聚力 ,缺乏准确性。机会来了,机会去了。下半场一团糟。Anfield felt like a stepping stone and a statement, as agonising as it was. Newcastle had gone there, played firm and fierce, irritated Liverpool and given as good as they got; they left full of anger and renewed determination.安菲尔德(利物浦主场)感觉就像一块垫脚石和声明 ,尽管它很痛苦 。纽卡斯尔去了那里,踢得坚定而凶猛,激怒了利物浦,并尽其所能;他们满怀愤怒和新的决心离开。But this one was on them. The result carried the same keening disappointment, but it was the hesitancy that led to it that truly burned. “The moments were there for us to kill the game and ultimately we didn’t take them,” Howe said.但是这个在他们身上。结果同样令人失望  ,但真正引燃问题的是犹豫不决。“我们有多次杀死比赛的时刻,最终我们都没有抓住 。”豪说。There is some context to be had. “In my more than 1,000 games as a coach or manager, I never had a game like this, that is the truth, with 10 men in an atmosphere like this against an opponent like this,” Klopp said. “I am pretty sure it never happened. These moments are rare and super special.” There was a compliment buried in there because Gallowgate has become a stronghold and Newcastle are a fine and feisty side.有一些背景信息要补充 。“在我作为教练或经理的1000多场比赛中,我从未有过这样的比赛 ,这是事实 ,10个人在这样的气氛中对抗这样的对手,”克洛普说。“我很确定它从未发生过 。这些时刻是罕见的 ,也是超级特别的 。”那里埋藏着赞美 ,因为加洛盖特(纽卡斯尔主场的一侧看台)已经成为一个据点 ,纽卡斯尔是一支优秀而充满活力的球队。Liverpool found focus once Van Dijk went. “One of our best,” was Alexander-Arnold’s description of how they played and given what they have done and won, it was not a trivial observation.一旦范迪克离场 ,利物浦就找到了专注点 。“我们最好的球员之一 ,”亚历山大-阿诺德对他们如何比赛的描述,考虑到他们所做的和赢得的  ,这不是一个微不足道的观察 。There were episodes that did not favour Newcastle, like Alexander-Arnold’s barge on Gordon which could have brought red — “a clear second yellow card,” Howe said — and the double bounce off Sven Botman which set up Darwin Nunez’s equaliser.有些细节不利于纽卡斯尔 ,比如亚历山大-阿诺德向戈登的身体对抗可能会带来红牌——“一张明显的第二张黄牌,”豪说——以及斯文·博特曼的两次触球反弹,这让达尔文·努涅斯扳平了比分。“We should really accept in that moment we won’t win the game so definitely don’t lose it,” Howe said, but Newcastle were incapable of shoring up and accepting a point and so, “we made the mistake and they score again.” They could only look at themselves. A single goal from 23 shots told a story of waste but it was only a partial truth because they never looked as dominant as that statistic suggests.“在那一刻 ,我们真的应该接受我们不会赢得比赛 ,所以绝对不要输掉比赛,”豪说,但纽卡斯尔无法支撑和接受一分  ,所以 ,“我们犯了错误,他们又进球了 。他们只能看着自己。23脚射门中的一个进球讲述了一个浪费的故事 ,但这只是部分事实,因为他们看起来从来没有像统计数据所显示的那样占主导地位 。Gordon celebrates his first goal at St James’ Park (Ian MacNicol/Getty Images)戈登在圣詹姆斯公园庆祝他的第一个进球(伊恩·麦克尼科尔/盖蒂图片社)There was a superhuman save from Alisson, who prodded an effort from Miguel Almiron onto the woodwork when the score was 1-0, but too many other shots were either too comfortable or too wild. Without intervention, Almiron hit the post again later on, but it was never Newcastle hoarding possession or Liverpool hanging on. They were right in it. “It had a similar feeling for me, that’s why we tried to change the momentum of the match,” Howe said.阿利松做出了一次超人般的扑救 ,当比分是1-0时 ,他将米格尔·阿尔米隆的努力推到了球门横梁上 ,但纽卡的太多其他射门要么太舒服(被门将没收) ,要么太随性狂野(缺乏团队配合或直接高射炮) 。在没有干预的情况下 ,阿尔米隆随后再次击中门柱,但纽卡斯尔从未囤积球权,利物浦也没有坚守 。他们一直陷入僵持(阵地战) 。“这对我来说也有类似的感觉,这就是为什么我们试图改变比赛的势头 ,”豪说  。The head coach took off Isak, Sandro Tonali and Gordon, who had inflicted torment on Alexander-Arnold and brought on Sean Longstaff, Callum Wilson and Harvey Barnes. Against Aston Villa, who Newcastle trounced 5-1, Howe’s substitutions were a signal of strength and ground tiring opponents into the turf, but this time coherence did not follow with them. There was rush and push, but not much calm or quality.主教练换下了伊萨克 ,桑德罗·托纳利和戈登 ,他们的轮番军训让亚历山大 - 阿诺德很头大,换上了肖恩·朗斯塔夫,卡勒姆·威尔逊和哈维·巴恩斯。(第一轮)纽卡斯尔5-1击败阿斯顿维拉时 ,豪的替补出场策略显示了保持场面硬度的信号 ,并使对手筋疲力尽。但这一次  ,他们并没有带来内在的连贯性 。存在匆忙和冲击 ,但缺乏冷静和效率 。“Liverpool had a flurry of set plays, they were putting us under pressure and we wanted a bit more control,” Howe said. “You think back to the game here last season when the roles were reversed, we had 10 men (after Nick Pope was dismissed), they had 11 and we played really well with 10. We had the best chances of the game with a man less and that can happen. Liverpool restricted space, defended deep and were content to let us have the ball.”“利物浦有一系列的定位球,他们给我们带来了压力,我们想要更多的控制,”豪说 。“你回想一下上赛季的比赛 ,当时角色互换了,我们有10个人(在尼克·波普被红牌罚下后),他们有11人,我们打得很好,有10人。我们在比赛中有最好的机会 ,少了一个人,这是可能发生的。利物浦限制了空间,(低位)防守很深,满足于让我们拥有球权 。Howe admitted: “There are always things you would do differently if you don’t win,” when asked if, in retrospect, he might have kept Gordon on, but added: “We have to trust our bench; we have to trust our top-quality players. I can’t fear putting them on the pitch in that situation. Sometimes when you make those changes, it doesn’t go as you foresee, but the same could have happened leaving the same players on. That’s the game.”豪承认:“如果你不赢,总会有一些事情会有所不同,”当被问及回想起来他是否会让戈登继续保持首发时,但他补充说:“我们必须相信我们的替补席;我们必须信任我们的顶级球员。在这种情况下,我不能害怕把他们放在球场上。有时,当您进行这些更改时 ,情况不会像您预期的那样进行 ,但是相同的球员可能会发生同样的情况。这就是游戏 。Pope watches Nunez’s winner go in (Lindsey Parnaby/AFP via Getty Images)纽卡门将波普目送努涅斯的制胜入球(Lindsey Parnaby/AFP via Getty Images)There haven’t been many like this since Howe’s appointment in November 2021. Those early moments of struggle were quickly cast aside and then came that hurry of wins, of gritty commitment, of aggressive front-foot football and giving everything. They have lost matches and they have lost heavily on occasion, to very good teams, but rarely have they lost like this, when their killer instinct simply went missing. “Absolutely criminal,” as nufc.com put it.自 2021 年 11 月豪被任命主教练以来,这样的人并不多。那些早期的挣扎时刻很快就被抛在脑后,然后是胜利一个接一个,坚定的承诺 ,积极的前脚足球和付出一切。他们输掉了比赛,有时也输给了非常优秀的球队,但他们很少输得像这样,当他们的进球杀手本能消失时。“绝对犯罪” ,正如 nufc.com 所说。There was also the concern of an ankle injury sustained by Botman, although the centre-half was able to walk — with a limp — from the stadium without crutches or a protective boot. “We will have to wait and see,” Howe said when asked if it would force Newcastle back into the transfer market.另外,很多人担心博特曼脚踝受伤 ,尽管这位中后卫能够在没有拐杖或防护靴的情况下一瘸一拐地从体育场走路 。“我们将不得不拭目以待 ,”当被问及是否会迫使纽卡斯尔重返转会市场时 ,豪说 。Right until the end, the image of the day might well have been Jason Tindall, Howe’s assistant, lifting his index finger to his lips in Klopp’s direction when Liverpool’s manager complained about Newcastle’s coaching staff encroaching into the technical area. There is niggle between the benches stretching back to Anfield a year ago and here was more of it. But when Nunez scored his second, and the away end erupted, it was Newcastle who had been silenced.直到最后 ,当天的标志性照片很可能是豪的助手杰森·廷德尔(Jason Tindall)在利物浦经理抱怨纽卡斯尔教练组侵入技术领域时,向克洛普的方向举起食指。教练席板凳之间有一点点,可以追溯到一年前的安菲尔德,而这里的情况更多 。但当努涅斯打进第二个进球,客场爆发时,纽卡斯尔被压制了。Newcastle made it tight against Manchester City the previous weekend but ultimately were outplayed. Here they invented complications for themselves, which has become a rarity. “I would want the players to be hurting after that because we pride ourselves on trying to win,” Howe said, “and that is certainly a game we shouldn’t have lost. My role now is to calm everything down and try to see perspective.”纽卡斯尔在上周末对阵曼城的比赛中表现不佳,但最终被击败出局 。在这里,他们为自己制造了麻烦,这已经变得罕见 。“我能想到球员们在那里受到的伤害 ,因为我们为自己试图获胜而感到自豪,”豪说,“这当然是我们不应该输的比赛。我现在的角色是让一切平静下来  ,并尝试看到视角。George Caulkin has been reporting on football in the North East of England since 1994, 21 of those years for The Times. There have been a few ups, a multitude of downs and precisely one meaningful trophy.(作者)乔治·考尔金(George Caulkin)自1994年以来一直在报道英格兰东北部的足球,其中21年为《泰晤士报》报道。有过几次起伏  ,有过多次跌宕,恰好有一个有意义的奖杯。From The Athletic


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